
Creepy responses to a dating profile. Friends of mine and I swap them like baseball cards. But these may be some of the best I've heard. Seriously, who are the dudes that send these? (The Hairpin)
Here’s instructions for a great homemade toy. Warning, this may be a little much if you're more of a sticking googly eyes on stuff crafter like me (Make Projects)
This is possibly my favorite thing ever. Don’t fight hate with hate, fight hate with love. (Jezebel)
Man, some of the Presidents were freakeee. Why didn't I learn about this in
history class? I would have been a
much better student (Cracked)
Are pretty people more selfish and jerky then non-pretty
people? Yes, says study likely
done by non-pretty people. (Daily Mail)
I will always be a sucker for those super elaborate proposal
stories. This one goes in my top
10. (The Stir)
I know that there’s some 90s kids reading this and well,
we’ve finally come to 90s retro.
Drink it in like those terrible Capri Sun drinks that seemed so good at
the time. (Tres Sugar)
I’m a really big fan of this project that are the stories of a lot of cool female trailblazers. Here’s one of my personal favorites: Carol Burnett (Makers)
Hey, did you want a new Thanksgiving theme song? No? Oh. Well here’s
one anyways. (The Frisky)
You know how people rip on Ke$ha for being all auto-tuned and crappy? Turns out her voice is actually pretty darn good:
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