These are our amazing contributors - good friends all - who want to share our passion for good things, and our intense disapproval of all the lame things with You!
Replica makes pictures and images and writings and stuff. She never, ever, ever, ever sleeps so she's almost entirely made up of concealer and eyebrow products. Seriously, it's like something out of "Death Becomes Her". Anyways, she sometimes has a chance to update her Twitter account: @Modern_Replica and thinks it would be rad to hear from you.
Metric Jenn *is* her real name, she is a Canadian with hair that is reddish, curly, and highly unmanageable. She is on a constant, and some may say fruitless, quest to find products that don't frizz out her hair. She has a completely non-ironic love for Robert Pattinson, and is learning Swedish just in case she runs into Alexander Skarsgård. She is a brand whore with expensive tastes who lives way beyond her means; she also finds it uncomfortable to be referring to herself in the third person. Follow her on Twitter @MetricJenn
Rusty is an American girl who spent the last six years living in Miami, but is now in Maryland looking for a job where she can actually use her Masters degree. She has dyed red hair, fair skin, and a life-long love/hate relationship with sunblock. The daughter of a seamstress, she firmly believes that life is too short for poorly made clothes.@rustyheadedgirl
Park is a writer, comedian and improviser. She recently performed in the 13th Annual Del Close marathon in New York City. She formerly wrote for the sketch troupe "Radio Vault" and her short films have been featured at the National Film Board of Canada and on Park also produces the popular storytelling show "Awkward: A Show of Epic Fails". She also secretly thinks Katy Perry is pretty great, but don’t tell anyone or her reputation will be ruined. Follow her on Twitter @mediumknight.
MelBivDevoe:When she's not plotting ways to ensnare Ryan Gosling, MelBivDevoe spends her time scouring the internet for new (and cheap!) products to share on Hot Ink. She believes that being sexy should require some effort but not all of your money and your time. Feel free to leave her any comments, questions, or tips about what type of bait Gosling prefers.
Dixie lives in Florida and doesn't understand why everyone else doesn't. Seriously, y'all, winter is optional. She is a closet hippie, a sale hound, and a curly hair crusader. In her spare time if she isn't in the Bikram yoga studio or running around the yard after her toddler, she is probably in the cosmetics section of the local hippie store, shopping for skin care on Etsy, or in Target. Okay, and Sephora. Closet hippies wear makeup too!
Nora is a 20-something year old who enjoys running, yoga-ing, and performing improv around Chicago. Though she has no real area of expertise, Nora can tell you loads and loads about fitness gear, homemade cures for weird skin problems, and how to drink on the cheap. You can find her on Twitter as @NoruhLayhee.