The story behind the development is interesting. The Clarisonic face robot was developed by a team of engineers and scientists led by the primary developer of the Phillips Sonicare Toothbrush. And, when you think about it, using the Clarisonic is a lot like brushing your face. To oversimplify the concept, you're brushing the dirt of the day off your face.Okay, it's a little more complicated and much cooler than that. The videos on the website show you how the sonic oscillations flex your pores to remove the dirt that is deep down in them. Pretty cool.
To use the Clarisonic face robot, you begin like you would normally wash your face. Wet, apply soap, and move around in a gentle, circular motion. The website instructions say to apply your cleanser directly to the brush. I never do that because...well, I just never have. If you have makeup on your face, my personal opinion is that it is best to remove it before using the Clarisonic face robot. The website says that the face robot removes makeup, but I noticed that I got a better clean if I took my makeup off before using it. The default setting on the Clarisonic Classic is the low speed, with 3 ascending beeps and. T-Zone timer indicating 20 seconds for forehead, 20 seconds for nose/chin, and 10 seconds for each cheek, and it's the speed I normally use. Perhaps the most amusing feature of the face robot are the cheerful beeps indicating low speed, then closest approximation is "Beep Beep BOOOP!" My husband says that's how it communicates with its brethren.
Since I started using the Clarisonic Classic Skin Cleansing System, I really have noticed a change in my skin. The acne problem I was having went away, thanks in part to the Clarisonic face robot. What I have noticed since then is that when I get the occasional breakout, it goes away more quickly than it used to. Also, the delightful red marks that are left behind no matter how much I baby my skin during a breakout, those disappear more quickly as well. One last bonus of using the Clarisonic face robot - your skin gets so clean that moisturizers are absorbed more completely. In the time I've been using the I've been using the Clarisonic Classic Skin Cleansing System, I've only had to blot off excess moisturizer a couple of times. Besides using it on my face, I use the face robot on my neck. Most skin care articles say to use the same products on your neck that you use on your face, so I just take that a step farther and clean my neck with the face robot.
The price of any of the Clarisonic Skin Cleansing Systems can give a person some pause. The options range from $119 for the Mia up to $235 for the Plus Limited Edition. My personal face robot is the good ol' Classic, which retails for $195 at the Clarisonic website and Sephora stores and website. Despite the price, I give this product an 8/8 tentacles. If you have the money, you will notice a difference in your skin.
Rating: 8/8 tentacles
The Clarisonic Mia 2 Sonic Cleansing System is one of SHAPE's 2012 Beauty Awards winners. Neither Hot Ink nor Dixie was asked to review this product or received any compensation for it. We just love it!
Rating: 8/8 tentacles
The Clarisonic Mia 2 Sonic Cleansing System is one of SHAPE's 2012 Beauty Awards winners. Neither Hot Ink nor Dixie was asked to review this product or received any compensation for it. We just love it!
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