Tired of going over your data limit on your Verizon iPhone? Try this clever trick to access one of their still available unlimited data plans. (AppAdvice)
Ever wonder why some people seem to have a knack for picking up other languages? One journalist set out to find out why. (The Economist)
If you somehow managed to get through New Year's Eve without drinking all the champagne at your disposal and you're looking for a creative way to use up that leftover bubbly, try this recipe for Champagne Marshmallows. I KNOW. (BoingBoing)
It isn't just history that has a tendency to repeat itself. Check out this shot-for-shot tracing of the adventure movies that influenced Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Need a little help remembering the 20-20-20 Rule for reducing eyestrain (every 20 minutes, take a 20 second break from the computer and focus on an object 20 feet away)? Thank goodness for this Chrome add-on, which does the remembering for us. (Chrome Web Store)
If you're as excited as I am about some of the films coming to theaters this year, then you'll appreciate this list of 2012's Most Tantalizing Movies. Oooooh, baby. (Wired)
It is a well-established fact in marine biology that the octopus is the drunk texter of the Cephalopod Family. (Neatorama)
Eek! Here are the Top Ten Photoshop Disasters of 2011. (PSDisasters)
These long exposure photographs of fireflies are nothing short of breathtaking. (Digital Photo Blog)
If you could erase the memories that bring you pain from your mind, would you? (Salon)
Well, it wouldn't be the New Year if there were no bizzare predictions floating about. (HowStuffWorks)
Is getting fit on your list of resolutions for 2012, but you're not quite sure how to go about reaching that particular goal? This Compact Guide to Creating The Fitness Habit just might help. (ZenHabits)
Finally, take a look at this sweet collection of photographs of the many costumes one day wore to see his son off to school each morning. I hope to be this adorably embarrassing to my son one day. Enjoy your Monday, and your New Year, folks!
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