
So, it appears that I am still on my quest for a deodorant that suits my natural scent and works through the day. As I wrote in my review on the Lush Aromaco and Coconut deodorant, I felt the Coconut wasn't quite right for me, that it matched my natural scent too closely and therefore didn't really deodorize. I think that I still stand by that. (Who knows if that will be a permanent stance though. The body is weird.)
I continued on my quest for the Perfect Deodorant by ordering a bottle of the Guv'ner powder deodorant from Lush (say it in a bad plummy British accent). The big selling point for me, of course, was the patchouli powder in the formula. Y'all know how I love me some patchouli. Despite the bad rap it gets for combining with the odor of the particular brand of hippie that doesn't believe in bathing, patchouli is a great deodorizer and antibacterial. Plus, it smells good. The other ingredients ain't half bad either: rose absolute, sage oil, and lavender powder. All of those smell good. Smelling good under the arms is the object of deodorant, right?
The Guv'ner does a great job of deodorizing. I've given it a long enough test period to take me through from hot, sweaty weather into cooler and even cold weather. Like I said in my review of the Coconut deodorant, in my view reapplication is not necessarily a failure on the part of the product. With my job duties taking me in and out of warm and cool environments, my deodorant has to put up with a lot of abuse. I haven't found a traditional aluminum-based formula that works all day, so I can't really expect to find a natural one that does either. On most days, I only have to reapply around lunchtime and right before I go to bed. The reapplication is a cinch, too. I use the same method with this one as I did the Coconut - I fill a makeup powder sifter with the deodorant powder and use a retractable brush to apply it. All I need is a bathroom or similar private spot to reach up under my shirt and dust the powder on my pits.
My only hang-up with the Guv'ner is that it is gray in color. That means if you have light skin, your pits are going to look gray. Not so hot. The nice smell and the staying power of a deodorant is no good if I can't wear a sleeveless shirt. If you have darker skin or hairy pits, the color probably won't be a problem for you, so don't let my experience stop you.
My final verdict on the Guv'ner is a 7/8 tentacles. The staying power is great and the smell is even better, but the color makes it unusable for me once summer rolls around. However, I do have to note and commend Lush on the improved packaging for their powder deodorants. When I bought the Coconut it was packaged in an unwieldy sifter similar to a spice jar. The new packaging is a plastic bottle with a spout cap that screws off, so much easier to use. You can buy the Guv'ner at your closest Lush store or on their website (USA and Canada.)
Rating: 7/8 Tentacles

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