Thursday, August 23, 2012

Dogs Get Shamed, Paintings Get Maimed, Christopher Lee? Well, He Continues To Be Amazing


Its getting to the end of summer and I could do with some of that time travelling I've been promised.  Get it together scientists!  Oh, wait, is science fiction not actually written by scientists?  Sigh...fine, I guess I'll just have to be satisfied with cool/weird stuff from the internet

Did you think every meme idea was taken and/or boring?  Well let me heal your internet silliness ennui with the brilliant new meme of Dogshaming (Dogshaming Archive)

Here's an animal that should never be shamed: a cat performing the Game of Thrones theme (Gorilla Mask) 

Photos that show definitively that the world used to be insane and/or how criminals all used to look like Batman villains (Cracked)

Tea Partiers vs Irish Presidents was not a battle I knew I wanted to experience.  However, now that I have I have to say where’s this man’s action movie?  That I’d pay $15 to see (Upworthy)

Speaking of awesome Irish-ness, this is most certainly fake, but super great (Live Leak)

Best. Comments. Ever (Amazon)

If only the post office hadn’t banned sending people through the post my vacations may have been much cheaper indeed. Le sigh! (Retronaut)

Whoa, Christopher Lee had a concept album?  Was the concept “Christopher Lee is awesome”? (The Awl)

The title says it all (and that "all" is brilliance).  It's texts from Nancy Drew (The Hairpin)

I love making stuff, but it turns out that sometimes DIY is just a bad idea (Gawker)

Okay,  I know I say this every week, but this animal weigh-in is officially the cutest thing I’ve ever seen (Socialite Life)

Now in your “sometimes people are wonderful. Man, I hope I don’t cry in front of anyone while reading this. Okay I'm totally crying” news: an auto body shop that repaired a gay student’s vandalized car for free (The Frisky)

I've always have a soft spot for parents going out of their way to do something fun for their kids.  When the parent happens to be Bill Hader?  Extra delightful

This is awesome and kind of disturbing (partly because I can't believe no one's thought of it before...get it together internet!).  Its a Taken/Finding Nemo mashup

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