Friday, February 10, 2012

Trends We'll Never Stop Loving: MelBiv's Gonna Bang 'Til She Dies


When it comes to beauty and fashion, trends tend to come and go quickly.  One day everyone's obsessing over skinny jeans.  Then the next day, skinny jeans are out and leggings are all the rage.  Fads change fast, but sometimes you find a look that works so perfectly you just can't give it up, even if it goes "out of style" at some point.

For me, the one beauty trend I'll never give up is my bangs.

I've had bangs for as long as I can remember.  Literally.  Here's me at 3 years old:
I still have those squishy cheeks... unfortunately, not as cute at 29.

At first, the bangs weren't my choice, they were just the style my mother chose for me as a small child.  I did grow them out once.  Only once.  I made the horrible decision at 11 to try a different look and stopped getting them trimmed.  That's when I realized how wonderful bangs really are.  Without them, my giant forehead was on display for all to see.

In hindsight, I don't know what I regret more: the perm or that outfit.
I ended up going back to bangs in junior high, and I've had them ever since.  What can I say?  They just work perfectly for me.  My face is rather long and oval, so bangs help by making my face look shorter and less severe.  I wear them blunt-cut, above my brow, slightly longer at the temples than in the center of my forehead.  They hide my wide forehead, and they highlight my eyes, which are my best feature.  

I've been wearing them so long that I actually trim them myself.  I know a lot of people who say you should never do your own bangs, but quite frankly, I hate letting anyone else touch them.  They always end up cutting them way too short, or styling them by fluffing them up with hairspray until I look like a exile from the 1980's. 
I've left salons looking like this, only much less happy about it.

So rather than suffer, I just tell stylists not to touch my bangs.  I think I've gotten pretty good at doing them.  I once had a stylist (not one working on my hair at the time) stop me and ask who did my bangs, and when I answered that I did them myself, he said "Well they are perfect!  And they're perfect for your face, too."  Totally made my day.
Good bang day = Happy MelBiv
They're not always perfect.  I have bad bang days, when my hair just does NOT want to cooperate.  But for me, a bad hair day is still better than putting my big ol' forehead out there for the world to see.  I know that the fashion and beauty mags like to hype when bangs are "in," but as far as I'm concerned, they're always in style. 

What about you?  What's the one beauty or fashion fad you'll never give up?

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