
Thursday, May 10, 2012

U by Kotex: A Review And A Rant. A Rantview.


Remember when the ads for Kotex's 'new look' came out, and we all loved the way they made fun of other pad commercials and oh, how clever of them? And then it all meant not much at all because all Kotex did was make a really ridiculous redesign of all their packages that's all meant to scream "HAVING YOUR PERIOD IS FUN!"? I remember that.

I don't know about you guys, but there's nothing fun about periods. They're a pain in the ass, and I'm pretty sure that what we're all looking for when we have them is just something that's practical and actually useful. Something that you can ignore as best as you can and that won't mess up your underwear. Why the hell would you buy period supplies based on how RAD the design is? Silly, silly Kotex. I bet a man came up with that.

It isn't just Kotex's problem, really, and what we liked about the first U ads were that they made fun of the ridiculous ways in which these products are marketed. Why had no one ever thought to use humor when marketing pads and tampons? The happy dancing girls in white pants, the "Oh, having your period is GLORIOUS!", the blue dye. All basically giving you the same stupid message: Use our products and your period will be FUN! Well, it's NOT fun. It's painful, it's uncomfortable, it's stupid and the condescension in those ads just make us furious. And they basically told us that a pretty package would make all the difference in the world when you're bleeding and bloated and miserable. Using something that looked COOL in your underwear would make it all better. Something which, by the way, no one alive wants to see. I don't know what they were expecting, honestly. For girls to go to the store and screech "THIS BRAND IS SO COOL I AM SO SWITCHING OVER BECAUSE OF TEH COOL COLORS AND THE U WITH AN UMLAUT ON IT!"? When all you want when you go to the store is to find the brand you've been using for years, buy it, and run away before someone even dares to speak to you? The whole thing is pretty ridiculous, and nothing's changed. In fact, Kotex has found a pretty clever (and evil) way to hike up their prices while not making any actual changes to the product itself.

Here's my story. I've been using the Kotex pads for years and years. They're comfortable and work pretty well against leaks, which, as far as I'm concerned, are the only two things that matter when buying pads. Plus, they were cheaper. So imagine my annoyance when I couldn't find the brand anymore and had to settle for buying another Kotex product, the U by Kotex Clean Wear Pads (regular), for about $3 more, which, no, isn't a huge amount of money but it's still a pretty significant difference when you're trying to stay on a budget. Is the price REALLY hiked up just because of the new design? Some pretty swirls and the magic of having each pad come in a wrapper of a different color? It's bullshit. It's the exact same product I've been using, and now I have to pay more for it because I don't trust the other choices. Those fuckers. And hell, I'll admit it: the packaging is really pretty fantastic.

It's all black boxes (boxes! not plastic! NO WAY!) with bright pops of color and minimal writing on the package. All very modern and cool, and the material on the box is all "oooh! soft and funky!" and impressive. But again, who the hell buys pads based on the packaging? I'd be really interested to see if Kotex has actually gained more users from the redesign, or if it has made any kind of impact at all. And now that we get to the actual review of the product (I completely forgot that that's what I was doing when I started): They're the same good, trustworthy product I've used for years. I don't like that the box is harder to store than the plastic bags (and yes, I know it's terrible for the environment, but dammit, I'm selfish as shit when it comes to my period), and it'll be a pain to take them when I travel. The design on the packages is really pretty, but still damn loud and not the kind of thing you want to be parading around. And yes, I know there's this whole "DO NOT BE ASHAMED OF YOUR PERIOD" thing going on, but I'll confess I'm more conservative that way and I don't want everyone to know I'm on my period by waving my packaged pads around.

I actually like the design so much that it feels kind of shitty just throwing it out. And yet again: why put so much effort into making something private look so pretty? Kotex (and all the other brands) need to figure out the reasons why women buy their products. It's not because of the packaging. More often than not it comes down to a few basic requirements: Price, practicality and usefulness. If we ever switch brands it's not because of marketing or product design--it's almost always because of positive word-of-mouth from our friends or family members. Get real and stop being so damn condescending.

In conclusion: 1) Marketing for 'period products' is massively stupid. 2) Kotex's new image, while graphically impressive, is pointless and frankly kind of annoying. 3) The actual pads are great and I won't be switching brands anytime soon, but 4) It's not because of the packaging, which is just as wasteful and silly as it's always been. 5) Getting your period is a pain in the ass. *I don't use tampons for various reasons, none of which are important here.

Rating: 8/8 tentacles


  1. I will say one thing on the subject of a lady product review: do not EVER be tempted to by the Walgreens brand liners or tampons. They are the absolute worst products I have ever used. Bad adhesive on the pads and terrible, non-functional paper applicators on the tampons.

    Don't even think about it.

  2. I go on a monthly rant about how making 'period products' products at all is unfair and stupid because it's essentially taxation on being female. One you don't fully resent until you actually have to start buying the cheapest pads possible because you can't afford the good ones.

    1. I am absolutely with you on this, TEM!
      Being on a budget and being unable to afford the bare minimum of comfort is not something I wish on my worst enemy (who is Nancy Kerrigan for some reason, a life long hatred that stems from the mid 90s and now just continues because I feel the need to be consistent).
      The feel of recycled garbage betwix one's thighs is just shudder-worthy.

    2. While I do agree with you, people have to pay for food,clean water,and medicine most of the time. Is that taxation on being human? Your argument is valid but free period products won't come anytime soon

  3. They're marketing toward young women, teenagers, who have just gotten their periods. Women who have been menstruating for years aren't the target market for this line.

    1. That IS true. But...still, it's a little weird, isn't it? Buy it because it's a cool color! Maybe kids today are weird, but I remember that I was extremely embarrassed about my period when I first got it, so I wouldn't have been flaunting my pretty tampons back then.

      But then again, I was a weird kid in a very conservative country, so who knows what crazy kids are doing these days...

  4. I definitely just bought some of the old-fashioned, white-plastic-packaging Kotex on Tuesday, so they do still exist! Or at least at my CVS, which might be a land out of time.

  5. "land out of time" made me cackle, Claire!!

  6. I think the last time I switched brands was back in high school, when a friend gave me a pad of hers when I somehow ran out. And it happened to work better than the brand I had been using. Effective marketing for periods involves: mother-to-daughter traditions, samples, word-of-mouth, or some combination of those. Doesn't it?

  7. I'm gonna get hippie up in hyah and say that I buy my stuff based on non-plastic packaging as much as possible. I go for Kotex generally for price point and it's a good product. The new packaging means nothing to me because I buy the boxes of liners and pads and don't screw around much with excess covers etc. I just carry them around however works, because nothing really squicks me out and even the big pads these days fit in your hand - and I honestly believe nobody is watching and caring at all. Not in my experience.

    The one product I wanna see? A reusable, bio-composite materials OB tampon applicator - they make all sorts of plastic-like reclaimed wood toys for kids now - why not for this? It's disgusting how much of these products are still plastic, one-time-use items. There has to be a better way. 27-30 applicators per cycle is horrible! Pads are better, but even those need to be reclaimed material. THAT product I'd buy too.

  8. I don't have regular periods anymore thanks to my IUD (blessed be my Mirena!), but when I need them, I just buy whatever's cheapest, usually with cardboard applicators. Mostly I only need to wear panty liners that I can get at the dollar store. They're not fancy or brand-name or colorful and they work just fine!

  9. I agree that ladystuff commercials can be quite overboard.......but I am totally guilty of switching over to Kotex because of the redesign (my mother raised me to be loyal to Always but I couldn't stand the sickly pale pink plastic any longer). Hehe. Yes, getting my period IS a huge pain in my ass, but as a (former?) Lisa Frank/rainbow aficionado, I'll happily pay extra for my pads and tampons to greet me with happy colors. If the Diva Cup came in hot pink with turquoise swirls, I would be allllll over that shit.

    1. Or racing stripes! Yesssss! I would pay good money for tampons or a Diva Cup with flames on the sides.

  10. Im a teen and personally I can say that I honestly got these at first for the design. But I have switched back and forth to other products and U by Kotex seems to be the best. I cant manage to put tampons in so I need to wear pads. Thats a problem since im a figure skater. I cant wear my tight skating pants with bulky always pads, but I can try to wear or atleast wear something more comfortable with the U by kotex Clean Wear. So before you write a novel about these you should give them a chance.

  11. Plus Id like to say that the U by Kotex online community is amazing. They have thousands of young women probably across the world participating in their Speak Up/Awareness program. They also had a design program so you could send ideas in. You may think that this is "stupid" but it is a known FACT that wearing or seeing bright colors lightens your mood. By reading your "rant" Im bored and unhappy that someone who is obviously older than me can make such a oppinionated decision. So when ur stuck with ur boring always pale pink or pea yellow colored packaging, and are unhappy blaming it on ur period. I will be happy on my period playing sports having fun with my friends because the packaging brightened up my mood and the products are incredible.

    1. I absolutely agree! Honestly I used to use Always products because that's what my mother used. I have tried most of the different the brands trying to find one I liked and you know what happend? I still had leaks with all of them. I don't know if its because all the ranters have had decades of experience but a period is not supposed to be fun. I absolutely loved how Kotex made fun of all the other brand commercials because they used the blue liquid and talked condescendingly about your period. If you're a female and have already had your period I'm pretty sure you would know the functions of a pad or tampon. They acted like no one knew what a pad or tampon does. I am a devoted kotex buyer because they make me happy and they work well. Yes they probably did target the teenage group but all of you complaining about the packaging or its a couple bucks more then SWITCH to a cheaper or different brand and stop complaing like children.

  12. Why can't feminine products be fun too?? Just because it's a product we're not psyched about using - during a week we're totally pissed exists - that doesn't mean we have to sit back and watch the sea of pink and white all the time. (Which are implying that there is something innately LADYLIKE about periods, and let's face it, that kind of blood is not particularly graceful or elegant) I don't know about you, but I'm a huge fan of the redesign. A period is going to be a pain in the butt, no matter what, but I'd rather have a bold black pack with attitude hidden in my cabinet than a pansy pink one. In fact, I'd even say that the bold and cheeky design makes the whole thing a bit less painful, if you ask me.
