
Friday, May 18, 2012

Come On, Get Happy! OR ELSE.

Pinky McLadybits

I'm personally sick of all the negativity bombarding me all of the time. From other people to the horror stories in my Facebook feed, I can't handle it. So today we have only happy links. ONLY HAPPY. And we're gonna feel good, dammit!

These sorts of things are what scientists and engineers or whatever should be doing more of. I don't need a thinner television, but this woman does need the robotic arm she controls....WITH HER MIND! (Extreme Tech)

A toy horse that was part of an art installation brought together a man and a woman. They fell in love. Thanks, Tiny Horse! (Fark)

Did you know that you can tattoo bananas? They really dig pieces that are ironic statements on their worldview. And famous works of art. (Flavorwire)

This should warm the cockles of your heart: A man purchased all of the items from a closing Kmart and donated them to charity. WOOHOO, HUMANITY! (Newser)

This guy completed a triathlon, which is awesome enough in my book. However, he did it while juggling. (Neatorama)

Now, stay with me here. A puppy was apparently snatched up by a hawk. No, wait! The hawk dropped the puppy and he was adopted by the family that owns the yard he landed in. I am serious! (Life With Dogs

I love Mindy Kaling. She has a new show that was picked up by FOX. Before she knew if it was picked up, she kept a little diary of sorts about how she passed the time until she got the news. I feel you on that Chris Evans love, girl. (Vulture)

If this story doesn't make you grin then you are a cold, cold bastard full of poopsticks and rotten flower stems. How a five year old Avengers fan got to ride on Loki's shoulders, meet Captain America, and talk to Joss Whedon. (G33kwatch)

Miranda Lambert knows her own body and feels good about it. We should all be so happy with ourselves! (Blisstree)

Robert Pattinson turned 26 a few days ago. Here are some sexy photos to celebrate, however belated it might be! (The Stir)

If you haven't discovered the majesty that is this tumblr full of childhood, then YOU ARE WELCOME. My Little Sea Ponies! I DO REMEMBER! (I'm Remembering)

A Perfect Strangers game? You know it! I believe one of my friends had a hand in this game, so you should play it A LOT. (Nothing's Gonna Stop Me Now)

Flashback Friday! Today I chose "I Alone" by Live. What happened to Live? This song was released in 1994? Dude.

Also from 1994 is "Buddy Holly" by Weezer. I'm old. GET OFF MY LAWN AND TURN DOWN THAT SKILLET DUB MUSIC!

1 comment:

  1. Buddy Holly is my favorite happy song. Of all time! Thanks!
