
Thursday, April 5, 2012

NUDE FASSBENDER...Also Other Things


Its almost Easter, which means its time to sit with your extended family and try to pretend not to notice how much more successful they are in every aspect of their lives (okay, just me? Cool, cool, cool)

This is a time of year for family togetherness.  Tragically it seems that no family will ever be as close as Alicia Silverstone's.  Come on kids, get with it.

Have health conscious relatives? Why not impress them this Easter with this simple vegan meal (Hairpin)

Need to relax after all that eating and socializing this weekend? (When it comes to eating, I'm in it to win it) How about some yoga from home.  Okay, I guess you could use it to get in shape too.  (

Spring is in the air.  Well one day it is, then the next day its cold again (make up your mind spring) But here's a way to make a cute mod dress out of a t-shirt (Rookie)

You know who needs a cute new dress? Debra Messing in "Smash".  Here's a gallery of some of the worst from the show (Vulture)

Proof that everything does come back if you wait long enough.  Hope you kept your fashions from the 15th Century (Laughing Squid)

Hot Ink fave Kristen Wiig is rumoured to be leaving SNL after this season.  Say it ain't so Wiig! (US Magazine)

In space no one can hear you scream. Because the silence causes them to trip out (Daily Mail)

More, on the weird science front, its Body Worlds, the animal version. (Telegraph)

Guys, did you know that centre of tv craziness "One Tree Hill" just went off the air (or that it was still on tv). Well it did and as a fake reporter its my duty to let you know all about it (Hollywood Life)

Aren't you glad you found out about "The beautiful moment when you realize Skills and Bevin are dating, or at least banging." (or at least banging)

No familiar with OTH?  Well let me help you out by giving you some of the best moments (according to a sullen teen on the internet

And it wouldn't be a discussion of OTH without this:

Okay, let's be honest, you all started reading this for the promise of naked Fassbender.  Well, here ya go. NSFW, obvs. (Tom and Lorenzo)

And if you wanted to get Fassbender a nice Easter gift, I feel like this would be perfect (Oddity Central)

Happy Easter everyone!

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