
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Less Links Means More Ogling The Hump Day List

Pinky McLadybits

Via Gallery of the Absurd
I think we've all heard about Starbucks offering alcohol in select locations. I'm sick of hearing about it. I'd much rather this were the bigger Starbucks story. (That's Nerdalicious!)

I've been wanting this shower curtain and bath mat (ThinkGeek), but my husband says noooo. I wonder if he'd let me decorate the house with any of these...(Home Tone)

Speaking of red things, have you seen The Bloggess's Traveling Red Dress Project? It's still going strong. (The Bloggess)

Hoarding is bad, as anyone who has watched even a minute of the show Hoarders can attest. Messy, smelly, and liable to help your house burn to the ground. (Huffington Post)

Even worse than hoarding beer cans is hoarding animals. Keep in mind, all of these were hoarded in an apartment. (Sun Sentinal via Fark)

I can't imagine living in either of those Hoarder Havens. But if the husband and the kid don't start picking up after themselves, I may have to get creepy all up on their asses. (Neatorama)

And now, a palette cleanser! (Tom & Lorenzo)

Did you enjoy that? I sure as hell did. Aw yeah. Here's something else I enjoy: Model-Morphosis! (NY Times Fashion)

Even models have bags under their eyes and splotchy skin. That makes me feel better about my skin. WET HOT AMERICAN SUMMER RECREATED!!! HOMG! (Split Sider)

Aw. So cute. Also cute are these fictional bands from movies. (Pajiba)

I know it isn't Halloween, but there's never a bad time to watch someone transform themselves into Mystique.

Finally, this 8 year old rocks harder than you do. I bet.

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