
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Hot Links: Today's Links Could Save A Life, Though Probably Not Yours. Sorry.


It's Wednesday, friends, and I'm a little extra perky this morning because tonight marks the return of Happy Endings and the always pleasurable (in an only slightly guilty way) Revenge.  The TV is mine again!  I hope you've got something to look forward to today, and to get you started off on the right foot, here are your Wednesday links.

And the hits just keep on coming.  From PayPal, that is.  They apparently ordered a customer to destroy an antique violin which they (PayPal) deemed counterfeit, thereby royally screwing the violin's seller out of payment AND a violin.  There are assholes everywhere you look, folks.  (Regretsy)

It's only a matter of time before Louis vs. Rick becomes reality, thanks to this nifty little contraption that allows your cat to send you Tweets all the live long day.  (TechCrunch)

I try my very best to avoid most reality television shows at all costs, and this list of the Five Weirdest Reality TV Shows Coming This Season will help me keep my streak alive.  (NewTimes)

Is it just me, or do these Tweets from Charles Darwin as he travels the globe aboard the Beagle make the man sound a little like a pompous prick?  I've decided I love him.  (Charles Darwin's Twitter)

Here's a revealing look at Cary Grant, his career, his charisma and his scandal-birthing bromance with Randolph Scott.  Oooh, shirtless pictures!  (The Hairpin)

Here's your Google-A-Day Puzzle for January 4th.  Don't worry, your brain can handle it.  (Wired)

I obviously don't spend enough time on Craigslist, because I never find anything as wacky as the bizarre finds in this collection.  (Stylelist)

Many of us have resolved to be healthier in 2012, and many of us will fail in that quest thanks to snacking.  Oh, how I love to snack.  I'm hoping these recipes for Superpower Energy Bars will help curb my snack cravings.  I mean, they might if I ever get around to making them.  (Chow)

In case you haven't had your OMGADORBZ(!) moment of the day, or are in need of shedding those pesky extra tears you've been carrying around all morning, these 10 Amazing Stories of Animal Prosthetics will get you back on track.  Or off track.  (Neatorama)

This is cool, despite it's occurring in Canada (wink, wink) - one artist has left evidence of Batman around the City of Toronto.  I kind of want to go just to see if I can spot any of these.  (Comics Alliance)

Photographer Ken Liam chronicled his trip around the world in this time-lapse video.  It's inspiring and beautiful.  Man, our world is a big, breathtaking place. (Via Ken Liam's Vimeo)

Here's one asshole's attempt at navigating the puzzling world of online dating sites - as only an asshole could.  (Cracked)

Dustin at Pajiba has stoked my already blazing nerdfire (it's a word) with this collection of pictures from a few different sources.  Geeksquee (also totally a word)!  (Pajiba)

And finally, because today's as good a day as any to learn how to save someone's life, I give you Vinnie Jones demonstrating Hands-Only CPR.  You have to see this to truly appreciate it.  And then you'll want to watch it again to actually learn the exceedingly useful information he's providing.  Enjoy your day!

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