
Friday, December 2, 2011

Nivea Creme Tin: Could It BE Any Cuter?

Pinky McLadybits

I was in ULTA getting my hair cut and buying nail polish. While waiting in the line for checkout I decided to paw through the trial sizes in the strategically placed racks by the line. I thought about many of the little bottles and packets, but the 99 cent tin of Nivea Creme caught my eye.

See? Cheap. Unless you count the $8.50 I spent on polish and the $35 for the cut, plus tip. So.

My hands and face always get dry in the winter time. My heels get so dry and cracked that they rake across the sheet in bed and make my husband want to vomit. Also, I've been sick on and off for a month now and I hate getting the dry skin around my nose that comes with using Kleenex so much. I figured the little tin could stay in my purse, living in harmony with my eos lip balm and iPod Touch. So happy together.

I didn't expect to find the little tin packed to the top with creme. I figured the Nivea Creme Tin only had an ounce in it, and they probably counted the tin. I was so wrong. I was able to use just the residue on the lid for my nose twice. TWICE. You also need only the smallest amount to get the job done on every day places, likes hands. The biggest amount removed from the tin so far was when my husband decided to moisturize his cuticles while we were at lunch. Yeah. He used massive globs. But he liked it! And do did my sister-in-law when she used it on her hands.

The Nivea Creme also smells so wonderful. I can't even describe it, but it is just a comforting smell that I really enjoy. So, you've got a great price, an adorable package, small amounts of product required, and it works. My nose hasn't flaked up yet! I'm glad I went cheap this time.

Rating: 8/8 tentacles

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