
Friday, December 16, 2011

Hot Links: Totally Inappropriate.


High school. Incest. Prank. These are three words I never again want to see near each other. EVER. (Gawker)

I updated my Facebook profile to the new Timeline, and my eyes may never recover.  Don't think it won't happen to you, too, when everyone's profile will automatically update to the new version on the 22nd.  If you'd like to stay (slightly) ahead of the game, update now.  Here's how.   (Mashable)

We always think about new, healthier, more productive things that we'd like to do after the New Year, but have we ever thought about the sheer number of things that we should STOP doing in order to improve our lives?  (Mark and Angel Hack Life)

A handful of anonymous donors have brought the meaning of Christmas to life by paying off the layaway balances of struggling strangers.  Have your tissues ready for this one.  (Yahoo Finance)

Influential author and critic Christopher Hitchens died yesterday at the age of 62.  Here's an article he just wrote for Vanity Fair, in which he takes on the old saying, "Whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger."  (Vanity Fair)

Ten Things You Didn't Know About "A Charlie Brown Christmas."   (Fark)

Today is Free Shipping Day, so here's a list of stores that will not only ship your gifts for free today, they'll also guarantee delivery by Christmas.  (Lifehacker)

I don't eat meat, but I would destroy a Porterhouse if I could do it while sitting across from Ron Swanson.  It's true.  (Buzzfeed)

The next time someone tells you there's no way Santa Claus could make it all the way around the world, and bring gifts to billions of children in one night, show them this.  And then punch them in the nads.  (Neatorama)

If you're considering giving a loved one a puppy for Christmas, here are a few tips to ensure you make the right choices - for both you and the dog.  (CNN)

Where can we find the true meaning of Christmas?  Why, classic Christmas movies, of course!  (College Humor)

Most of us love dogs.  They're our best friends, members of our families, and our biggest supporters.  Sometimes they amaze us with their intelligence, and even with acts of heroism.  (Cracked)

Is Britney Spears engaged?  Or is the one gift she's been waiting for the "fancy" RV she's always wanted?  (Jezebel)

And here are a few tips in case your holiday surprise is a breakup.  (Divine Caroline)

Moms are embarrassing.  There's really no way around it, and this little chap is learning that the hard way.  He's not even in Junior High yet, woman!

And, finally....well, there's more than one way to trim a Christmas tree.

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