
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Hot Links: Naked Santas, SOPA and Skyrim? Got 'Em.


Public nudity is perfectly legal in San Francisco, as demonstrated by this crowd of World Record-seeking naked Santas. Slightly NSFW. (BoingBoing)

The lovelies over at Go Fug Yourself have put together an "official" holiday gift guide. Feel free to send me anything on the list. I'm not picky. (Go Fug Yourself)

This is a few days old, but in case you haven't already heard, from a friend or on Facebook itself, you've got two Message Inboxes over on the ol' 'Book, and you miiiight want to open the other, nearly secret, one from time to time. (Slate)

Heading to New York City to take in a show and see the holiday displays? You might also be interested in peeking at a few of the Dead Sea Scrolls, now on display at Discovery Times Square. (The Economist)

If you're familiar with the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), the effects its passage could potentially have on the internet as we know it, and you currently hold a job directly or indirectly supporting or supported by the Internet, check out this website. Hell, even if you don't work for the Internet, check it out. (I Work For The Internet)

Gamers deserve love too (once they put the controller down and take a shower), so here's a list of 10 exciting games coming to a basement near you in 2012. Right here's where I admit that the Game of Thrones game has me hopping up and down in my recliner. (TIME Techland)

This is a little frightening. A Death Row conviction was overturned because one of the jurors Tweeted his feelings about the trial. Seriously, sometimes it's totally okay to keep some things to ourselves. (ubergizmo)

Here's an interesting infographic detailing the history of web browsers and worldwide browser usage. Chile knows where it's at. (Voiceable)

Feel like sitting down to a bit of light (or heavy) reading? Check out Longform's Best of 2011. (Longform)

The next time someone you know seems confused about gay and lesbian rights, show them this. It should save some time, and maybe even trim down any resulting arguments. (BuzzFeed)

What's the grossest thing you can do in public? If your answer is clipping your nails, then this link is for you. Fight the good fight, people who clip in their bathrooms (as I'm certain some deity intended)! (Dumb As A Blog)

Pretty much everything is Skyrim's fault. (Wired)

Dude, even Pac-Man's hooked.

Back in the day, when I worked at an actual desk in an actual cubicle, I was constantly tangling my feet in the countless number of wires that lived (and ruled) underneath my work station. Where was Lifehacker then, when I needed them and this fantastic idea the most? (Lifehacker)

There are few milestones that makes us feel more nervous than our 30th birthday. It's a turning point for so many of us. We're no longer kids. It's GO time, and it's scary. Sally Sassypants over at Persephone Magazine decided to write her thirties a letter, detailing all she wanted to accomplish during the next decade. Kickass idea, girl. (Persephone Magazine)

Thinking of purchasing a tablet computer? Here are five tips to help you choose the right one for you. (HowStuffWorks)

And here are Ten Dating Rules Men Wish You (I, We) Would Break. Gosh, they're so helpful. (Glamour)

So helpful, in fact, that the guys over at Men's Health have put together a list of gifts the man in your life is sure to love. I do kind of want to sleep on those Sheex. (Men's Health)

I'm so glad Robyn's back in the limelight. So, apparently, are the folks over at SNL. Homemade strobe light!! Also, will someone please tell me where to find the pink faux fur jacket in the video? Not for me...for a friend.

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