
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Hot Links: Merry Khristmas!


Behold, the 2011 Kardashian Kristmas Kard.  Who thought it was a good idea to dress Lamar in skinny pants?  (Celebitchy)

Ever wonder why that friend of your friend's cousin - you know, the one with that dog that did that thing - unfriended you on Facebook last month?  It could be any one of these reasons.  Or, it could be because of that anti-dog status update you posted.  (Mashable)

I hope you've got nothing planned for the rest of your day, because these cat GIFs set to music will take over your life.  I can't yet decide if that's a bad thing, because I cannot stop laughing.  (Procatinator)

Here are 25 Tweets from otherwise perfectly normal, and I'm sure lovely, people who thought Lil' Kim - not Kim Jong-Il - passed away.  (Buzzfeed)

Man, I really do love end-of-the-year lists, especially creative why-didn't-I-think-of-that lists like this one - Planking:  The 40 Most Ridiculous Moments.  (WildAmmo)

Some rules are made to be broken, others serve to keep our naked bums off the internet.  Take these, for instance -  The Do's and Don'ts of Sexting.   (CollegeCandy)

This list of the 10 Worst Outbreaks in US History has me considering the benefits of life in a bubble.  I won't blame you if you stop clicking after the Smallpox photo.  (Healthline)

This is a bit of a treasure:  Woody Guthrie's New Year's Resolutions from 1942.  Wake up and Fight! (BoingBoing)

A Bronx man has been sentenced to a year in prison for pirating X-Men Origins: Wolverine.  Damn, that sucks.  The movie, I mean, not the punishment.  (Deadline)

A woman passed away in the car while on a roadtrip through Washington with her husband, so he decided to turn around and drive back home.  To Canada.  225 miles away.  Oy.  (Gawker)

Yesterday we featured a guide for giving your dog a manly name, and today we bring you another valuable resource - especially during the holidays.  Persephone Magazine's Ladyguide to Holiday Travel With a Dog.(Persephone Magazine)

Here's Real Simple's list of 17 Great Books You Won't Be Able to Put Down.  As if I needed another reminder that I don't read enough.  (Real Simple)

Would you rather be at home than sitting at a desk right now?  Or always?  If you need a few reasons to consider telecommuting, here are ten of the best.  (HowStuffWorks)

It's almost time to take that worn out naked firefighter calender down and replace it with the 2012 version.  Or, if you're feeling like it's time for a change, check out these 10 Strange and Wonderful 2012 Calendars.  (Mentalfloss)

The Carolina Panthers ran the Annexation of Puerto Rico for a touchdown on Sunday.  I can't stand Cam Newton, but damn, this is awesome.  (via MetaCafe)

Here's a list of hangover cures that do - and don't - work, for when you've dared to have that one...last...egg nog....ouch.  (fitsugar)

And, finally, I'd hate to think this is what is meant by "guaranteed Christmas delivery."  Yikes.  Have a fancy schmancy Tuesday, y'all!

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