
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Hot Links: Let's Drink To Annie's Boobs. And Jeff's Teeny Undies.


Put down the antifreeze! Good Magazine has a cocktail that's sure to calm even the most distraught Community fan - the Six Seasons and a Movie. (Good)

TIME Magazine has unveiled their 2011 Person of the Year, and it's "The Protestor." I'm pretty sure they're referencing me with their choice, and that time I staged a sit-in outside the Pearl Street Ben & Jerry's after they ran out of Oatmeal Cookie ice cream. (TIME)

Gawker's put together a list of creepy Christmas carols sure to warm even the Grinchiest of hearts. But, no, seriously, listen at your own risk. And maybe with the lights on. (Gawker)

Looking for a last minute gift idea? For your grandmother perhaps? This calender filled with naked archaeologists may be just the ticket. (BoingBoing)

More and more hipsters are shunning Facebook in favor of living a less socially cluttered lifestyle. I wonder if I can come up with a humorous status update about this. (The New York Times)

I recently discovered, and I'm in love with the many creative ideas they're constantly posting over there. Like this list of 5 Original Holiday Cocktails, made with homemade Grenadine (for which they provide the recipe). (ManMade)

This wrapping paper is so cool it may outshine the gift inside. So, you know, don't skimp. (Lifehacker)

I wonder if the MIT student that created this origami Nazgul has any other The Lord of the Rings characters up his crafty sleeves. I'd love to see a paper Balrog. (My Modern Met)

There is not a geek, dweeb or dork among us who won't squee at the sight of these 15 Great Geeky Gingerbread People and Homes. (Neatorama)

Ever wonder why the characters in films from the 40s and 50s spoke with such a strange accent? Dustin at Pajiba gives us the answer. (Pajiba)

Are you into saving money and helping others? How about doing it at the very same time? You must check out Social Goodies! (Social Goodies)

Is this the "Awesomest" Vintage T-Shirt Ever? (Slate)

Tebowing is now included in Urban Dictionary. Timmy's finally made the big time! (Urban Dictionary)

Jesus, these are impossibly crazy. The 7 Insane Festivals You Won't Believe Are Legal. (Cracked)

No matter how bad your Wednesday may be so far, there's no way you'll be able to watch this video of dogs riding in cars with their heads out the windows without smiling. It's pure, unadulterated joy.

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