
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Hot Links: Homemade Ice Rinks, Grape Meths, and Bearded Dragons!

Pinky McLadybits & Kolby

Marijuana use among teenagers has reached a 30-year high. You know what this means, right? More meth for the grownups! (The New York Times )

OK, I know some people don't really care for the Muppets (Communisits, the Devil...etc.), but for everyone who loves and cherishes them as much as I do are these adorable knit hats. I think I need the Animal one. (Craftzine)

A couple of 20-year olds were busted for stealing water from a fire hydrant to build their very own backyard ice rink. Man, that's cool. (ThePostGame)

Complex has put together a list of the 15 Craziest Real World Girls. I'm baffled at their choice to place Coral at number 11. That b*tch is CRAY. (Complex)

Lucy is an American Staffordshire Terrier in New York that needs a forever home. Her previous owner abused her, beating her badly and leaving her bones to set so she has a slightly twisted snout. She's lovable and needs someone to help her forget about the asshole and abused her for 3.5 years. (Petfinder)

Here are 10 of the Greatest Guerilla Marketing Campaigns of All Time, from Neatorama. I remember some of them, but I admit that I didn't remember exactly what they were marketing before I was reminded. So, advertising fail? (Neatorama)

I don't normally enjoy seeing other people cry, but in case some of you out there (the ones without SOULS) do, here's a week's worth of women crying on television. (Gawker)

Nothing to wear to that holiday party? This list of 31 "Perfect" Party Dresses for Under $100 may be just the ticket. (Glamour)

I had never heard of haul videos until today. I hope I never hear about them again. (Urlesque)

There is a new Bobcats comic set up at The Oatmeal. BOBRACHA FOREVER! (The Oatmeal)

It's the Golden Globes Nominations! I nominate Christina Hendricks' cans! What? Acting? (Pajiba)

If a baby seal invaded my home, I would love it and kiss it and name it Elmer and NEVER LET IT GO. (The Mary Sue)

Sweet Godtopus on a cracker. How is it that famous people never get their children taken away from them? I'M LOOKING AT YOU, WHITE OPRAH. (The Superficial)

I like zombies as much as the next severely geeky girl, but this is too far. I do not, however, have any qualms with the zombie brain bonbons. (ThinkGeek)

This is the oddest swim suit I've ever seen. Russian you say? Hmm. (Artlebedev)

Don't worry Mr. Bearded Dragon. Pinky Jr. saw the ants and tried to bust her uncle's iPhone screen. We'll forgive you for not knowing the difference between ants and bees.

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