
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Hot Links: Kittens, Sexy Men, and Miss Piggy

Pinky McLadybits

In honor of Arrested Development's imminent return to my television, I am cross-stitching The Family Love Sampler from STEOTCH for MetricJenn. Also because she bought me the pattern. SPLITTING HAIRS, PEOPLE.

Miss Piggy has always been a fashion icon for her porcine-admiring fans. The Fug Girls take a look at the Pork Diva's style evolution.

Oh, ThinkGeek, maybe you could send me this 8-Bit LED Holiday Wreath to review? Pretty please??

The Batman and Bane. I just picked up Knightfall from the library yesterday so I could see what aspects of that storyline are in The Dark Knight when I see it.

The A.V Club has an interview with Matthew Sweet, who forever gets a pass for giving us the album Girlfriend.

Check out these Bizzaro Versions of the cast of The Walking Dead.

Here's your chance to build your very own Egg-Bot! No, it isn't a robot egg but a robot that paints eggs.

Having just finished the Harry Potter movie octology (is that a word? It is now!), I find this candle holder to be adorable and a necessity!

Even though People screwed the Emu with their pick for Sexiest Man Alive, please to enjoy the covers of previous winners.

Cindy brings us some Mindhole Blowers about Inception at Pajiba.

And now, blind kitten Oskar plays with his first toys:


  1. OK, Steotch may be my new favorite thing.

  2. I expect the new cross stitch to be completed and delivered within the next week! Di di mau!
