
Friday, November 4, 2011

The Best Advice on the Internets!


Do you want to make more money so you can buy more stuff?  Stuff we review here, for example?  Or just, you know, pay your electricity bill?  Then I *highly* recommend you check out the site Ask a Manager!

Allison Green writes this amazing FREE blog with helpful tips for interviewing, resume writing, salary negotiation, and tons and tons of  information  for getting a job and succeeding in it - from a hiring manager's perspective.  She gives you straight talk and actual useful, timely, and effective advice for navigating the stressful and frustrating challenges of job hunting.

I've been in Human Resources for 5 1/2 years.  I've heard and read a lot of bad advice to job seekers and to management.  I get angry when I see horrible advice being dispensed by people who haven't been on an interview for 20 years and who are repeating outdated "strategies" for getting your foot in the door or for making your resume "POP!"  Blerg.  Allison Green doesn't tell you how to create gimmicks for landing a job, she tells you how to DO a good job, then craft a resume and cover letter that shows that, so you can use it to get that elusive interview, and then how to be a good employee when you have that job.  No smoke and mirrors, no magic tricks, just real world, applicable suggestions and advice.  

I really can't rave about her and her site enough.  I've been reading it for years and referring people to it every time someone asks me for resume or interview advice.  If you have some time (even if you're not actively job hunting), check out her archives and I *promise* you that you'll learn some things that will help you to get a job or will help you with an issue in your current one.

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